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What is an oncologist?

An oncologist is a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating cancer. They act as the primary healthcare provider for people with cancer to coordinate and manage their treatment. The American Cancer Society predict around 1.8 million new cancer diagnoses in 2020. Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death in the United States, but survival rates continue to improve due to advances in cancer detection, treatment, and management. People with cancer will typically work with a team of healthcare providers, including nurses, dietitians, pathologists, and oncologists. Oncologists specialize in one of three major areas of oncology: medical, surgical, or radiation. Oncologists can specialize in treating cancers that affect specific populations or parts of the body. Some examples of oncology specialties include: *gastrointestinal oncology
* geriatric oncology
* gynecologic oncology
* musculoskeletal oncology
* neuro-oncology
* pediatric oncology
Doctors must meet specific education and experience requirements to become a licensed oncologist. The education requirements for oncologists include a 4 year bachelor’s degree and 4 years of training at an accredited medical school. Most people do not begin training in oncology until they finish medical school. Oncology is a subspecialty of internal medicine. After graduating from medical school, future oncologists must complete a residency program typically in internal medicine or general surgery followed by a fellowship in their chosen oncology subfield. An oncologist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing, treating, and managing cancer. Oncologists possess the highly specialized knowledge necessary for diagnosing and treating cancer. Many oncologists hone their practice further by specializing in certain types of cancer or cancer treatments. A primary care physician may refer someone to an oncologist for further testing or treatment. A person can expect to work with a group of healthcare professionals while they receive treatment.

(Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)


Fermented soy products may reduce mortality risk

A new large-scale study carried out in Japan concludes that fermented soy products, as opposed to those with unfermented soy, might reduce mortality risk. However, the study is observational, and there are limitations. Soy products have been popular in Asia since ancient times and, over recent decades, they have become increasingly popular in Western regions. With growing interest in nutritional science, researchers are keen to understand whether any of the various forms of soy might impart health benefits. For instance, recent studies have concluded that consuming fermented soy products is associated with lower blood pressure and reduced risk of mortality from cardiovascular causes. To date, few studies have investigated whether consuming fermented soy impacts overall mortality, and those that have looked into this topic have generated conflicting results. For instance, one study concluded that soy intake may have moderate but beneficial effects on total mortality,while another found that Soy products intake was not statistically significantly associated with all-cause mortality.Recently, a group of researchers from Japan reopened the debate. They have published their findings in the journal BMJ. The study has been published alongside an editorial, which was written by Kayo Kurotani, Ph.D., and Dr. Hidemi Takimoto, both from the National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition, in Tokyo. The authors of the editorial ask whether the reported drop in mortality risk with increased intake of fermented soy might, in fact, be an underestimation. They explain that products such as miso are often served in dishes with high levels of salt. High salt intake is a risk factor for conditions that increase mortality risk. Because the researchers behind the study did not control their analysis for salt intake, the authors of the editorial wonder whether The association between higher miso intake and lower mortality might be confounded, and possibly underestimated. In other words, individuals who eat lots of fermented soy are likely to have a high salt intake that increases their mortality risk. The authors of the editorial ask whether fermented soy might be protecting against the negative impact of salt in the diet. This is a question that will, of course, need further investigation. (Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)