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More about Neurobion

Neurobion is a brand that comes into the market providing a variety of B-Vitamin supplements. It is commercialised putting forth the fact that they are effective in aiding nerve functioning and have to be consumed as per the prescription of a doctor. The supplements in Vitamin B-complex can help in curing many deficiencies. In total, there are 8 types of B-Vitamins and Neurobion contains three of them namely, vitamin B-1, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12. Following are the conditions caused by the deficiency of B-Vitamins –

* general fatigue
* weakness
* anaemia
* weight loss or difficulty gaining weight
* signs of nerve damage, such as tingling or numb pains in the hands and feet
* poor immune system function
* depression
* problems with various organs, such as the liver, kidney, or skin

and, these can be avoided by taking Neurobion supplements. If an individual consumes Neurobion in the prescribed way on package, there won’t be any side effects other than yellower urine. In case of excess consumption, conditions like excessive urination, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and nerve damage can occur.

(Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)

Role of gut bacteria in spreading breast cancer

With about 154,794 women living with metastatic cancer in the U.S, the approach to breast cancer has improved drastically. Still, scientists are dealing with the issue of preventing the spread of cancer to other body parts, which is also knows as metastasis. There are many reasons leading to the spread of cancer. Recently through a study on mice, scientists have discovered the fact that by disrupting the gut microbe, aggressive spread of breast cancer can be initiated. "When we disrupted the microbiome's equilibrium in mice by chronically treating them [with] antibiotics, it resulted in inflammation systemically and within the mammary tissue," says Melanie Rutkowski, Ph.D., of the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Biology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. However, she stresses on not to generalise the impacts from mice to humans, and that this does not mean all antibiotics are harmful. Researchers advice to follow a healthy diet to maintain a healthy microbiome. Diet rich in fibre coupled with exercise and adequate sleep are recommended. "If you do all of those things, in theory, you should have a healthy microbiome. And that, we think, is very much associated with a favourable outcome in the long term for breast cancer”, says Melanie Rutkowski. (Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)