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Metacognitive therapy may prevent depression relapse

Ending the cycle of negative thought rumination is the premise of a depression treatment called metacognitive therapy. New findings suggest that it may be more beneficial in stopping depression relapse than other more commonly used methods. Depression is a huge global health issue. As the leading cause of disability in the United States for those between the ages of 15 and 44 years, it has a significant effect on individuals and society as a whole. With more than 300 million people currently living with depression, finding a long lasting treatment is vital. Unfortunately, relapses are common. Treatments, which include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication, can work well in the short term, but many people's symptoms returnTrusted Source either within a few months or later on in life. In fact, only about 30% of people with depression have not relapsed 18 months after the end of their treatment. The findings of the new study, which features in Frontiers in Psychology, provide early evidence of the benefits of metacognitive therapy.
(Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)

Does weather really affect our experience of pain?

A new study finds that, for people living with arthritis and other conditions that cause chronic pain, a certain kind of weather increases pain. When someone tells you that they can feel bad weather in their bones, they may well be right. Scientists, many at the University of Manchester, in the United Kingdom, have released the findings of a new study that exposes a link between chronic pain and humid, windy days with low atmospheric pressure. The study is whimsically titled Cloudy with a Chance of Pain.It also appears in the journal npj Digital MedicineTrusted Source. Weather has been thought to affect symptoms in patients with arthritis since Hippocrates says lead study author Prof. Will Dixon, director of the Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis, at the University of Manchester. Around three-quarters of people living with arthritis believe their pain is affected by the weather.Carolyn Gamble, one of the study's participants, is living with ankylosing spondylitis, a form of arthritis, and she expressed happiness about the new insights. So many people live with chronic pain, she says, affecting their work, family life, and their mental health. Even when we've followed the best pain management advice, we often still experience daily pain This is made even worse, Gamble says, by a tendency to blame oneself for flare-ups. She finds comfort in the study's conclusions. Dixon also hopes that pain researchers find this new information useful as they pursue a deeper understanding of its causes and mechanisms.
(Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)