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Walnuts can aid lower blood pressure - reveals study

Latest studies show that, when consumed on a daily basis along with a low fat diet, walnuts can prove effective in lowering blood pressure levels in cardiovascular patients. The scientists, at Pennsylvania State University in State College who conducted the study claims that this is the first research ever conducted that looked into the characteristics of walnut regarding health. Statistics point to the fact that cardiovascular diseases are the core reason behind most number of deaths caused in the United States and that half of the adult population of U.S has some form of cardiovascular conditions. High blood pressure is a prime reason that takes matter to this condition. Findings in the study on walnut reveals that they contain plant-based omega-3 called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is believed to have beneficial effects on blood pressure. "When participants ate whole walnuts, they saw greater benefits than when they consumed a diet with a similar fatty acid profile as walnuts without eating the nut itself," says lead study author Prof. Penny Kris-Etherton, at Pennsylvania State University. Prof. Penny Kris-Etherton explains that there is something more beneficial in walnut compared to other fatty acids, which might be their bioactive compounds, fiber or something else.