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Daily News

Can asthma be cured?

Asthma is not curable, but that does not mean that people with asthma will experience regular asthma attacks. Much of the time, people with asthma can control their symptoms by:
* working with healthcare professionals to develop and follow an asthma treatment plan
* identifying and avoiding triggers for asthma attacks
* following a healthful diet and exercising regularly
* tracking symptoms and activities
* preparing for and working through flare-ups
One of the most important things that people with asthma can do to protect their health is to educate themselves about the condition. The more people learn about asthma and their particular triggers and symptoms, the better they can manage it. It is not curable, but it is manageable. People with asthma can work with their healthcare providers to establish the right mix of long-term control and quick-relief medications. Individuals can educate themselves about asthma and be proactive about establishing a healthful lifestyle, which will also help them keep their symptoms under control.
(credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)

More about spinal cord injury recovery

People with spinal cord injuries may experience a loss of function around the body. This loss of function can be permanent. However, some people do make a full recovery. Spinal cord injuries can cause secondary conditions, such as pressure sores and blood clots. People with secondary conditions such as these will need long-term care. Long-term treatment for people with spinal cord injuries is complex. The type of treatment will vary depending on the severity and location of the injury. In most cases, a doctor will prescribe various forms of therapy to help with rehabilitation. They will also try to prevent or treat secondary health conditions, which are common in people with spinal injuries. These secondary conditions include:
* pressure ulcers
* muscle spasms
* urinary tract infections
* chronic pain
* deep vein thrombosis
* respiratory infections, such as pneumonia
* autonomic dysreflexia
People with spinal cord injuries are at greatest risk within the first year of the injury. As a result, this first year will involve regular check-ups. It is possible for some people to recover some function up to 18 months after the injury. However, many people will experience a permanent loss of function that requires long-term care. will also help them keep their symptoms under control.
(credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)