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What causes diarrhea during or before period?

There are many symptoms that a woman experience on or before the days of her period. Those include Diarrhea, abdominal pain, and other gastrointestinal issues. People may experience diarrhea and other GI issues before and during their period. This is usually due to an increase of prostaglandins, which can cause cramps, diarrhea, and other GI issues. Severe symptoms during or before a period can sometimes indicate an underlying health condition. People should take note of their symptoms, and schedule an appointment with their doctor or gynecologist. Tips to treat from home:

  • Drinking plenty of fluids
  • Consuming a liquid diet
  • Eating smaller meals more frequently
  • Eating foods high in pectin
  • Replacing electrolytes
  • Eating salty foods

(Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)

Tight glutes: Stretches and prevention

The muscles that connect lower back to legs are called glutes. In certain individuals, a tightness in glutes are experienced. This results in causing difficulty in movement. Following reasons might cause tightness in glutes:

  • experiencing soreness from exercise
  • not stretching or warming up before exercise
  • exercising with poor form
  • having poor posture
  • sitting for long periods
  • having muscle imbalances

Exercises that help reduce the tightness are downward dog, forward leaning lunge and side lying leg lift. If there is no change even after doing these exercises and the pain or swelling still prevail, seek medical care.

(Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)