Usually, the act of blinking spreads tears across the cornea, which is the front of the eye. As well as keeping the eye wet, this also washes away any particles that could lead to an infection. When someone has dry eye disease, their tears do not keep their eyes nourished or lubricated. They either do not make enough tears, or their tears do not have the right balance of oil, water, and mucus to clean the eye. Doctors also call the condition dysfunctional tear syndrome. People can use artificial tear solutions whenever they feel that they need to make their eyes wet. These products are available from drugstores. People could also try using a warm compress or giving themselves an eyelid massage. For some people, dry eye disease might never go away. These individuals will be able to manage it with medication. Doctors may recommend blocking the tear ducts to stop tears draining away before they have done their job. Prescription-strength eye drops are another option. Eye injuries can be very dangerous, so it is always best to seek medical attention even if the symptoms do not seem serious. Emergency medical attention will be necessary for severe eye injuries, such as
* a cut or punctured eye
* chemicals in the eye
* those that cause visual disturbances