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Ringworm rash

The fungi responsible for ringworm thrive in hot, moist environments, such as the tropics, or more specifically, locker rooms and indoor pools. The rash usually develops 4–14 days after the person comes into contact with the fungi and develops the infection. A person with a weakened immune system is more likely to experience symptoms of the infection. Beyond the rash, ringworm can occur with itchiness, cracked skin, and hair loss. Over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications can treat ringworm. The location of the infection helps determine the right type and length of treatment. Always follow the instructions carefully and complete the full course of treatment, even if the rash and other symptoms fade. Also, wash the hands thoroughly after applying the medication, to prevent the infection from spreading. Ringworm is contagious, and regular handwashing helps prevent its spread. Also, avoid contact with any animal other people who have recently had the infection. (Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)

Placebos may have benefits, even when people know they are taking them

When a person receives treatment, it is natural for them to expect, or at least hope, that it will provide some benefit. Sometimes this expectation alone can produce a positive effect, as often occurs in studies where participants unknowingly receive a placebo instead of actual medication. Now, a new study finds that even when researchers tell people that what they will receive contains no active ingredients, a placebo can produce a positive neurobiological effect. The study notes that earlier research involved individuals self-reporting beneficial effects from non-deceptive placebos. These were for conditions that included irritable bowel syndrome, experimental pain, chronic back pain, a lack of psychological well-being, emotional distress, and poor sleep quality. However, researchers consider such self-reports to be less empirically reliable and convincing than physiological measurement of effects

. (Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)