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More about Anti-Vaxxer

Anti-vaxxers are people who believe that vaccines are unsafe and infringe on their human rights. They typically deny the existence or validity of the science supporting their use in the general population. The popularity of these opinions is hard to measure. However, only a small number of people in the United States are likely to express these views. Anti-vaxxer movements can influence people’s decision to vaccinate themselves or their children. The anti-vaxxer movement began in the 18th century in the U.S., with religious leaders describing them as the “devil’s work.” The campaign grew in the 19th and 20th centuries as a matter of human rights. Anti-vaxxers still represent a minority of people. However, there are many active communities on the internet and social media platforms. According to a recent report in The Lancet Digital Health, around 31 million people follow anti-vaccine groups on Facebook. It also estimates that social media outlets could be making about $1 billion from advertising every year. Facebook and other social media platforms regularly receive criticism for the extent of misinformation spreading within these communities. This risks not only their health and well-being, but also the health and well-being of others. For example, they could pass a disease to other children who are unable to receive vaccines due to allergies, age, or medical conditions (Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)

Link of racism with mental health

Racism can cause or worsen some mental health conditions. This can occur in a number of ways. For example, distressing symptoms can arise as a direct result of racist incidents such as hate speech. They can also occur as an indirect result of broader inequality, which racism perpetuates. Although racism also affects physical health, one 2015 systematic review suggests that racism is twice as likely to affect a person’s mental health than their physical health. The effects of racism on an individual’s mental health occur as a result of stress. The stress response, or the “fight, flight, or freeze” response, is how the body prepares to escape from danger. In the short-term, stress can be helpful for survival. However, prolonged exposure to stress can contribute to mental and physical health conditions. Because racism is an ongoing source of stress, it impacts people of color throughout their lives. Chronic race-related stress can definitely meet the criteria for trauma. Our minds and bodies have various ways of coping with trauma. There is also evidence to suggest that trauma can pass from parents to their children on a genetic level, suggesting that the historical trauma of racist institutions such as slavery and colonialism can impact future generations. Seeking support from people who understand what it is like to experience racism may help reduce the negative impact of racism on mental health. Allies can use their influence to provide support and educate others.


(Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)