We might have experienced incidents when one person will be remembering an incident from past clearly while the other from the opposite sex would have forgotten it altogether. In such scenarios, women are more accurate than men, and studies have been done on the same to prove that women are better at remembering things than men. In humans, there are various types of memories and “episodic” memories are one of the most important among them. "Episodic memories are consciously recollected memories related to personally experienced events," explains the authors of the Encyclopedia of Neuroscience and that it cannot be recollected by everyone. There are many factors influencing the memory of a person, one of them being gender, according to the recent study. This analysis was drawn from experiments where meta-analysis of 617 studies that took place in 1973–2013, including more than 1.2 million participants overall. Results showed that women are better at remembering faces, where they left an object and what happened in a movie, while men are better at remembering navigational information and abstract information. “Generally, women perform better when it comes to remembering verbal information, such as words, sentences, texts, and objects, also the location of objects, and movies. Men can better recall abstract images and remember their way back from one location to another.", says Prof. Agneta Herlitz.
(Source: www.medicalnewstoday.com)