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Differences between plaque and tartar

Plaque is a collection of bacteria that stick together. They can live on the teeth, gums, tongue, and throughout the mouth. Approximately 700 species of tiny organisms, including bacteria, live on and around the teeth. Many of these bacteria can join together to form a biofilm. Biofilms are thick, sticky substances that protect bacteria, making them stronger and harder to remove. The slimy, sticky white or yellow film that a person sees on their teeth or between their gums is plaque. If a person does not remove plaque, it calcifies by trapping calcium or other minerals from the saliva, causing it to harden. Dentists call hardened plaque tartar or calculus. Tartar can stain the teeth and make them look discolored. It can also trap plaque, increasing the risk of developing more tartar.Plaque and tartar increase the risk of gingivitis and periodontitis, both of which are forms of gum disease. Chronic exposure to the bacteria in plaque causes inflammation in the gum tissue. This can trigger bleeding, pain, redness, and in some cases, infections. The chronic inflammation of periodontitis is also a risk factor for other illnesses, including cardiovascular disease. Removing plaque and tartar may help treat gum disease and prevent it from getting worse. Managing gum disease can also improve dental health and may lower a person’s risk of chronic diseases.(Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)

Shoulder acne

Pores are small openings in the skin. Each pore contains a single hair that sits inside a hair follicle. These hair follicles connect to oil-producing glands, called sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands secrete an oil called sebum, which carries dead skin cells to the surface of the skin. Sometimes, sebum and skin cells form a plug within the hair follicle. This plug traps dirt and bacteria inside the skin, resulting in an infection. The infection triggers inflammation — in the form of a pimple. Acne occurs when oil and dead skin cells form a plug inside a pore or hair follicle. This plug traps dirt and oil beneath the skin. A bacterial infection can develop in the affected pore, which can lead to inflammation and swelling in the form of a pimple. Two types of acne can develop on the shoulders: acne vulgaris and acne mechanica. The first typically develops in response to hormonal changes, while the second usually develops in response to heat, pressure, friction, or a combination. Shoulder acne does not look or feel the same for everyone. Some people develop small pimples, while others with more severe acne develop pustules, nodules, or cysts. More serious acne can be extremely painful and require stronger treatments.(Credits: