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Fruit compounds’ role in lowering blood pressure

Resveratrol is a plant compound which has grabbed a great deal of medical world’s attention. The reason behind this is the medicinal aid it provides which include protective effects against stroke, heart failure, and hypertension, among other heart conditions. Recent study on mice has proven outcomes which helps reduce blood pressure also. Resveratrol is abundantly found in Blueberries, red grapes, red wine, peanuts etc. and is famous for its antioxidant properties while cardiovascular effects still remain unclear. To find out more about its properties in lowering blood pressure, researchers conducted study on a group of wild mice. Researchers measured the rodent's blood pressure with implanted telemetry probes and monitored this for 15 days. Meanwhile, they were fed either with resveratrol rich diet or a normal diet. By the end of the study, results showed a drop of 20 millimeters of mercury in the blood pressure of mice that had consumed resveratrol. Another finding was that by oxidising the protein PKG1a, resveratrol also relaxed blood vessels of the rodents. Prof. Avkiran explains how the findings will be of help to humans, “This study reveals the surprising way in which resveratrol works and opens up the possibility of new blood pressure drugs which work in a similar way. The findings bring us a step closer to tackling this 'silent killer' which puts people at risk of having a devastating stroke or heart attack." (Source: www.medicalnewstoday.com)

Link between sleep apnea and cancer

Sleep apnea is a condition in which a person suffers from serious sleep disorder and disrupted sleep as their breathing starts and stop many times repeatedly. A patient suffering from sleep apnea will feel tired even after he gets a full night’s sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is one category of it, and it is the most common type. OSA is caused due to the relaxation of throat muscles during sleep. Among many diseases related to OSA like hypertension (high blood pressure), cognitive decline, stroke, and chronic fatigue, now researchers have detected the chance of cancer as well. Rate of sleep apnea is facing a dramatic rise in Americans and women are more susceptible to the disease. "Recent studies have shown that low blood oxygen levels during the night and disrupted sleep, which are both common in OSA, may play an important role in the biology of different types of cancers," says study author Athanasia Pataka, an assistant professor at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. Looking into sex differences deeply during the study, researchers found that women suffering from OSA with low blood oxygen levels had more chances to get cancer than women without OSA. Findings reveal that, from among the group of participants, 2% were diagnosed with cancer and men mostly suffered from prostate cancer while women suffered from breast cancer. However, scientists ask the OSA patients not to panic as the results showed that overall cancer prevalence was low at just 2%.

(Source: www.medicalnewstoday.com)