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Link between nutrition and cancer

For decades now, researchers have been finding links between unhealthful dietary habits and the risk of cancer development and recurrence. However, they have not yet proved beyond a doubt that all of these links are causational. At the same time, past findings have been convincing enough to prompt researchers to investigate these connections further. Diet is key point of discussion in cancer prevention, as it is a modifiable factor; well-informed people can make different choices when it comes to what and how they eat, which could make a real difference to their health. The inaugural international Cancer Prevention and Nutrition Conference took place in London, U.K., under the auspices of Ludwig Cancer Research and Cancer Research UK. One problem that the researchers discussed at the conference was the challenges that appear in understanding whether or not nutrition directly impacts the risk of cancer and the success of the treatment. All the researchers involved with the conference argue that it is very important to find ways of using cancer and nutrition research to form better policies and guidelines that will make a real difference to people's lives. To this purpose, they note that scientists must work closely with national policymakers and healthcare professionals to promote healthful, nutritious food over options that are less likely to support well-being. (Source: www.medicalnewstoday.com)

Older adults be aware of binge drinking

Binge drinking can be harmful for older people because it increases the risk of injuries and falls and the chances of developing chronic health problems. The researchers found that a large proportion of older people who reported at least one binge drinking episode in the previous month had chronic conditions that can get worse with binge drinking. Their analysis calculated that 41.4% of those who engaged in binge drinking had high blood pressure, 23.1% had cardiovascular disease, and 17.7% had diabetes. People who engaged in binge drinking were also more likely to have visited the emergency room in the previous year than those who drank alcohol but did not reach the binge drinking threshold. The analysis did not find any significant links between binge drinking and mental health conditions. This result is consistent with findings from previous studies. "The association of binge drinking with cannabis use has important health implications," comments senior study author and researcher Joseph J. Palamar Ph.D. The investigators also found that those who engaged in binge drinking were less likely to have two or more chronic conditions in comparison to those who kept their alcohol consumption below that threshold.

      (Source: www.medicalnewstoday.com)