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Detox drinks

Detox drinks have always been included in detoxifying diets assuming it to help cleanse a person’s body and to help lose weight. Detoxification sure takes up a role in medical context, but it has little proven detoxifying benefits as commonly believed while including in a daily diet. In medical science, detoxification assists with any withdrawal symptoms of a person when the drugs he is addicted to are stopped. Hence, the use of the word detox is not always appropriate when not in medical context. Detox drinks may boost health, aid in weight loss, and support the body's natural detoxification processes, but this is different from medical detoxification. Studies say that commercially available detox diets are said to improve how toxins are removed from liver, but it has also been highlighted that these studies have flawed methodologies too. The claim on weight loss by following a detox diet is only because the diet is low in calories and also, the lost weight is said to be gained back after a certain period of time, thus making it a short-term solution to weight gain. Detox drinks are not bad, it is always good to include drinks including fruits and veggies to complete a balanced diet. It is just better to call it health drink or smoothie as the claimed detoxifying factors are negligible. (Source: www.medicalnewstoday.com)

Low rate of cancer in whales and how it is of importance to us

Uncontrollable division and growth of cells which causes disruption in natural biological functioning of a body is what leads to cancer, which is recognised by WHO as the second leading cause of death globally. Higher risk of cancer development has always been associated with weight gain and ageing, which however does not affect the animal kingdom in the same manner. Whales, elephants and porpoises are less likely to be affected by cancer despite their large size and long life span. Scientists have been taking keen interest in this which led to researches to find out whether it can be of any help to humans. The findings reflected that, certain genomic loci had developed in a higher rate in whales than in other mammals, and these loci containing genes turned out to take active part in stimulating cell cycle, proliferation, and the process of in-cell DNA repair — essentially, the maintenance process of healthy cells. Tumor-supressing genes have also been found in whales which is an additional element that promotes prevention of cancer. One major finding suggests that animals out in the nature have found natural methods to evolve and develop in a way that cancer can be kept at bay. Scientists believe that, gaining a detailed knowledge can come up with preventive strategies and anticancer therapies that will be effective in fighting off human forms of cancer.

(Source: www.medicalnewstoday.com)