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How checking weight everyday prevents weight gain

The obese state among American population is found to be on a rise with current statistics showing 37% of the U.S citizens as obese. Also, more than 32% of U.S adults are said to be overweight. In this state, scientists have come up with a new strategy for preventing holiday weight gain by adopting a psychological mechanism. An average number of people are under the threat of obesity in future even though their weight gain per year is a considerable small amount of 0.4–1.5 Kg. A new research was led by Jamie Cooper, Ph.D., who is an associate professor in the Department of Foods and Nutrition at the University of Georgia in Athens. During the study, participants ageing from 18-65 years were analysed. They were asked to make three visits – one before holidays, one after holidays and one 14 weeks after a period of intervention. During the intervention, participants were asked to maintain their weight somehow and did not advice on any methods in doing so. At the end, those who constantly checked their weight and got a graphical representation of their weight changes were led to weight loss or maintained the same weight, while on the other hand, those who failed to check weight daily gained weight. Scientists said that those who checked their weight dieted harder or exercised harder every time they noticed a slight weight gain, thus keeping weight gain at bay. "People are really sensitive to discrepancies or differences between their current selves and their standard or goal. When they see that discrepancy, it tends to lead to behavioral change. Daily self-weighing ends up doing that for people in a really clear way.", explains study co-author Michelle vanDellen.

Advantages of exercising on old age life

Lack of physical activity plays a major role in causing 3.2 million deaths worldwide each year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), which is due to various reasons like lack of facilities, increase in sedentary behavior, heavy traffic areas and pollution. Researchers say that elders above the age of 65 gain the ability to be independent and take care of personal activities and chores as long as they include exercise in their daily routine. WHO suggests older adults get 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic physical activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity during the week as well as muscle strengthening exercises twice a week. Adults suffering from mobility issues are also recommended to add exercise to enhance their balance. A study was conducted and daily activities of participants were divided into "activities of daily living" (ADLs), such as getting up, eating, and drinking, and "instrumental activities of daily living" (IADLs), such as running errands and doing housework. Results showed that those who were involved in optimal physical exercise exhibited twice the ability to perform IADLs and thrice the ability to manage ADLs than those who did not perform recommended exercise. "People of all ages should be more active so as to stay healthy and independent for longer and remain self-sufficient. For this, there is only one thing we can do: continue to strive toward greater public awareness!", says Richard Crevenna, head of the Department of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, and Occupational Medicine at MedUni Vienna.