Meditation is well known for maintaining a healthy mind and for culturing a well maintained mind-body coordination. It has been into practice since ages, and initially attached to religions like Buddhism, Christianity, etc. Apart from the hypothetical reasoning, a scientific understanding of meditation is relevant. Types of meditation are varied, while some are for love and kindness, some initiate mindfulness in an individual. A research was conducted to find out whether there are any potential harms caused by them and the scientists investigated the following factors:
- Resilience to stress
Managing stress is considered the No.1 benefit of meditation. Repetition of a mantra or chanting is said to settle and calm one’s mind. Researchers looked into the reason behind this. Studies showed that along with other effects, meditation is associated with lower levels of the molecule " nuclear factor kappa B," which influences the regulation of gene expression. This molecule activates a series of molecules called "cytokines" and cytokines are responsible for adverse effects like abnormal inflammation, cancer, and depression, etc. "Millions of people around the world already enjoy the health benefits of mind-body interventions like yoga or meditation, but what they perhaps don't realize is that these benefits begin at a molecular level and can change the way our genetic code goes about its business," says the study's lead researcher, Ivana Buric, from Coventry University in the United Kingdom.
- Improved self-control
Overall control over one’s mind is another positive impact of meditation. Stusdies were conducted on this topic. " The goal during mindful moments is not to empty the mind but to become an observer of the mind's activity while being kind to oneself," says the study's lead author, Dr. Richa Sood. Results showed that it also helped as a powerful weapon against addiction, to help lose weight through “mindful eating” etc.
- A healthier brain
According to studies, Yoga coupled with meditation proves to be effective in maintain a healthy brain. Researchers observed that experienced meditators exhibited less issues than others of their same age who didn’t practice meditation. " Regular practice of yoga and meditation could be a simple, safe, and low-cost solution to improving your brain fitness.";, says Dr. Helen Lavretsky.